Loft Beds
One design idea is to build or buy two loft beds. Give each child their own space below the bed for a desk, a reading nook, or whatever personal space your child would like. Install a divider down the center of the room using a pipe and fittings from the local hardware store. Add a room-length piece of fabric or sew curtains together to have two separate spaces. This set up is ideal for boy/girl siblings sharing a space as it provides the most privacy and personal space which is important and the child’s age.
Trundle Bed
Bunk Beds
The most common shared space furniture is a bunk bed. They come in wood or metal, in a variety of styles and designs. Some come with built-in storage, desks, stairs, and some are simply two beds with a built-in ladder. If you have a gap in your children’s age, this pick is nice as you can safely sleep your younger child on the bottom bunk. To add a bit of fun, you can put curtains up to enclose the bottom bunk, making the much-loved fort.
Murphy Beds
If you need the floor space, choose dual Murphy beds. They are much simpler than they used to be to install. When not in use, they fold up onto the wall freeing up the entire floor space for daily use. There are different types of Murphy beds so you are sure to find a set up that works for you. These provide a tremendous amount of flexibility for a shared space.
Hanging Beds
A twist on the loft beds would be two hanging beds. These are quite imaginative and kids flip for them. Under the bed storage is a cinch in this room. Add hanging shelves for a cohesive theme.