How to declutter your kids playroom and what to do with old toys

2023-01-30T03:30:00+00:00January 30th, 2023|

When you open the door to your kids’ playroom and the first thing that comes to mind is a bomb site, then you might need to take a bit more of an active role in getting it organized. Sure, the room is designed for kids to play in, and that means a little unstructured fun and mess is far from the worst thing to happen. 

However, it can become a bit of a hazard and, what’s more, your kids might even find they don’t want to play in it if they can find enough room to set up in it. Here, we’re going to help with a few tips on what you can do to stay on top of it.

Find a place for the clutter

One of the reasons that playrooms can quickly become so messy is that your children might have a lot of toys. In fact, they might have more toys than they currently have room for. Instead of letting it all clutter the floor and surfaces of the room, consider getting them a toy chest or even a set of drawers that can allow them to order and organize which toys go where. If your child collects certain kinds of toys, then you can even make a display area for them that gives them pride of place.

Organize those hard-to-store toys

The bigger toys are easier to toss into chests, drawers, and other kinds of storage furniture. However, it’s very likely that your child is going to have some toys that are full of little moving pieces or can be broken up into them. Lego and other building toys are the most common culprit when it comes to the kind of mess that gets spread around and lingers for way too long. You might want to start embracing smaller storage options, such as small bins, or even cloth bags, that you can more easily store together, rather than trying to keep loose pieces in amongst the rest of the toys.

Establish some rules

You don’t want to impose too many restrictions on your child’s playtime, of course. That said, it can be a lot easier to keep the room tidy if they’re also playing ball. For instance, you can set a rule that smaller toys, like lego blocks, have to go back where they belong after they’re done playing with them. Another helpful rule can be that there’s a cap on how many toys they can keep in each space and, if every space is full, then the other toys have to go. While this idea might panic kids, at first, once you start looking through them together, it’s going to become clear that they have toys they never play with or have even forgotten about.

Know which toys to phase out

For younger children, or kids with just way too many toys, you can begin to process of phasing out their toys without consulting them over it, too. You want to be very careful that you don’t get rid of any toys they’re not playing with, of course. Watch what toys they’re not playing with, which get ignored, which might have been outgrown, as well as which are missing pieces or are broken. These are the toys that can so easily become useless clutter and you can begin moving them out of the room bit by bit.

What to do with toys that are going

A hand holding a green ball

When you move toys out of the playroom, you don’t want to get rid of them immediately. If your child notices that they are missing, then you want to be able to return them as, clearly, they’re not as unloved as you might have thought, as for what you do with the toys they don’t come looking for, you have some options. You can sell those in good condition for a little extra money, and you can even give some of this to your child as an allowance, incentivizing them to get rid of the toys they’re not playing with. You can also donate or recycle those you aren’t selling. If there are toys that have a particular sentimental worth or perhaps you want to keep them for when another child is able to take them, you can also get some storage in Singapore to help you manage that clutter without having to immediately get rid of things.

With the tips above, it should be a lot easier to stay on top of the mess that is the kids’ playroom, which not only makes it a safer place to play, but also one that’s more fun for the kids. Getting some Store-y storage can be a big help.

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